What is the Great Reset?

The Great Reset is both a proposal and a marketing slogan developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It represents the Globalists ruling elite's almost 100 year-old vision to install a worldwide, Marxist, totalitarian, technocracy, by exploiting this totally engineered COVID-19 pseudo-crisis in order to do so, just like they planned to do in their "Event 201" pandemic exercise, which the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation held in New York City just 6 weeks before the world ever heard anything about the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Yet, we're supposed to believe that's all just a coincidence. Of course it is.

More about Event 201...

The "Great Reset" was officially unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom’s Prince Charles and by the WEF's director Klaus Schwab, who coincidentally had already written a book called "COVID-19: The Great Reset," and yet another book called "The Fourth Industrial Revolution," where you can see that everything which is happening right now is going exactly according to the plan set out in his two books, and in the Event 201 "exercise."

If ever a man resembled a super villain from a James Bond movie, it's Klaus Schwab. He makes his good friend and mentor, George Soros, who is also a founding member of the WEF and a sustaining donor, look like a Saint by comparison. The man is truly twisted. Schwab is actually publicly saying that humanity should get used to drinking sewage, and eating weeds in order to survive in the "post-corona world" (the post-human world) that he and his fellow demons at the WEF are currently building for us to live in.

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