From the moment of "COVID-19's" naming--and particularly since the imposition of unprecedented restrictions on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that we've seen since March 13, 2020--some people have smelled a rat. And with each passing week, the smell just gets worse.

A growing chorus of ordinary citizens and world-renowned medical and scientific experts is raising questions about matters ranging from the real origins of SARS-Cov-2 (Wuhan Institute of Virology with U.S. taxpayer funding) to the rationale for continued lock-downs and the seemingly never-ending list of Draconian measures that are being imposed on every society except China, which is where the virus came from, and Sweden, which did none of these unnecessary things, and which has now effectively achieved "herd immunity," despite what the nattering Communist nabobs at the WHO warned and predicted would happen if they did not lock-down like every one else did.

The mainstream propaganda media have shown themselves only too ready to lob ad hominem attacks against anyone not marching in lockstep with this giant, worldwide PSYOP and Globalist takeover operation that's been cleverly disguised as a grave viral pandemic.

However, one does not have to be insensitive to the illness and deaths which are TRULY associated with COVID-19, and you see that there actually very few when you scratch the paint away from the CDC's fraudulent IFR statistics, to recognize that powerful agendas are riding on the coattails of SARS-CoV-2.

Millions of Americans are waking up to the fact that the countries, officials and public figures who embrace Draconian interventions such as immunity certificates, microchipping, forced injection with a genetic mutagen disguised as a vaccine, and the removal of children from their homes also approve of making our sovereign rights--whether to earn a living, maintain bodily autonomy, congregate to practice our spirituality, or protect and educate our children--contingent upon our acceptance of these Draconian measures.

While the lock-down is a cataclysm for the world economy, and a boom for China's, it' also a huge opportunity for Bill Gates" and the Thirteen Families of eugenicists who he represents.

Around the world, many people are understandably reeling in shock at the rapid economic, social and cultural changes that have followed in the wake of the phenomenon called "COVID-19." Many of these changes involve ever-tighter restrictions on our rights and freedoms, accompanied by inexorable messaging--both public and subliminal--that a "vaccine for all" and 24/7 tracking and surveillance are the only way out.

Increasingly, however, there are hopeful signs that more members of the public are recognizing the duplicity and self-interest of those offering false salvation. Each of us needs to do our part to expose these issues, standing up for individual sovereignty and working to halt the transition to a totalitarian singularity more despotic than anything that George Orwell could have ever imagined.

My COVID-19 Timeline of Events page, which I have linked to below is intended to make it easier for the everyone to assess what is happening and what is at stake. You're invited to visit this page, and consider how these events--some of them seemingly unrelated--and the network of partnerships and relationships that they illustrate have contributed to the unfolding set of circumstances in which we now find ourselves.

#BillGates #Elites #Oligarchs #Vaccines #Eugenics #Genocide #Medicine #COVID19 #COVIDTruth #WHO #Science #Government