The German virologist Proffesor Dr. Christian Drosten is the face of the COVID-19 PLANdemic we are currently going through.

In March 2020, the German weekly magazine Stern even published an article entitled "The corona virus has made Prof. Christian Drosten the most sought-after man in the Republic" and made him a star. For it was Christian Drosten who, in January 2020, developed the PCR testing protocsol for coronavirus, which has become the standard method for detecting the COVID-19 coronavirus worldwide.

As Director of the Berlin Charité Institute, Drosten is a very influential advisor to the German Federal Government, and has participated as an expert at numerous government press conferences. His evaluation has thus had a decisive influence throughout the world on important political decisions such as the compulsory wearing of masks, the interruption of regular education or the closure of all cafes, bars and restaurants.

Drosten has received numerous awards, including the Bundestverdienstkreuz (Cross of Merit) in 2005 and the first-class Bundestverdienstkreuz in 2020.

However, in this video, David shows you a completely different face of Christian Drosten and sheds light on little-known but far-reaching circumstances.


Due to his many high distinctions, one would expect his various estimates and forecasts to come true. Here are two examples of his forecasts, which are worrying compared to the actual evolution of history.

2003 / SARS

"If the epidemic cannot be postponed in the near future, it is possible that there will always be new cases of SARS. If lung diseases of this kind were to break out regularly in some countries, this could have serious effects on their economies. An effective vaccine can be expected in one or two years at the earliest."
Actual developments: According to the WHO, since the beginning of the so-called SARS epidemic in 2003 there were only 8,096 cases of SARS worldwide with 774 deaths. Germany had a total of nine cases of SARS and not a single death.

2009 / SWINE FLU

"It is a widespread viral infection with side effects far more severe than anyone could imagine from the most dangerous vaccine."

Although there are no reliable indications on the number of people who are ill, Drosten urged people to get vaccinated against Swine Flu.

Actual development: The prophesied epidemic never happened. In spite of this, Western governments bought vaccines for several hundred million euros, which the vast majority of the population refused, despite Drosten’s insistent recommendations. What’s more, the vaccines caused far more serious damage than Swine Flu itself.


Drosten’s frightening predictions, which always aimed to impose the "standard vaccine solution", turned out to be fatal errors of assessment, resulting in enormous economic damage. How is it that Drosten, with his trackrecord of false predictions, continue to appear credible as THE WORLD's advisor on all things related to the topic of Virology?

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