The CDC’s case definition of COVID-19 deaths… "When a person with a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 dies, their death is automatically counted as a COVID-19 death," no matter what ACTUALLY caused their death, or when they were diagnosed with that fraudulent disease.

WHAT? Yep. It's like the story of the guy who was shot in the head 33 times who was reported by "health authorities" to have "died of COVID-19," or like the guy who who, after being beheaded, "died of COVID."

The fraud that we see surrounding the statistics that we are fed everyday about COVID-19 by these "authorities" and their mainstream propaganda media enablers is nothing more than naked fraud.

Take this man pictured below, for instance, who died of alcohol poisoning, which the County Coroner properly indicated as the cause of death on his death certificate. However, afterward, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment altered the Death Certificate to indicate that the man died of COVID-19, notwithstanding the fact that they tested him for COVID-19 after he died, and that clearly was not what caused his death.

Is it possible that the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment wants to get there hands of some of the $2 trillion plus Dollars that's been offered like a carrot on a stick to medical services throughout the nation to diagnose people, even post mortem, with COVID-19 using the fraudulent RT-PCR test?

Do bears sh!t in the woods?

Situations like this occur daily throughout the country. Incentivizing diagnosis, as the whores on Capitol Hill did when they wrote the CARES Act, has lead to all kinds of fraud, which is exactly what we see going on during this PLANdemic.

The "COVID Death" statistics that the mainstream propaganda media parrots to us 24/7/365 are grossly exaggerated and fraudulent.

Here's another story just like that about a man shot seven times in the torso, who is reported to have died of COVID. What's worse about this story is the way ABC twists logic and reason, in fact, even reality itself, in their hapless attempt to rationalize this fraud. Wow! They must really think we are retarded.

Perhaps we are "retarded" for continuing to go along with this giant, worldwide PSYOP and Globalist coup d'état that we have been witnessing for over a year now.

#Medicine #COVID19 #Virus #COVIDTruth #Pandemics #StatisticalFraud #Fraud #PCRTests #PCRTesting #Autopsies #Virology #Colorado #ScientificFraud