One would have to be willfully gullible, unstudied, or incredibly naïve to believe that societies are not engineered. Of course they are. Just like anything else that's important, societies are always been planned.

This COVID-19 Event was also planned. Therefore, it could rightly be called a "PLANdemic."

In fact, the hereditary elite families have been farming humans for thousands of years, and as you can see, their methods have greatly improved. Why? Because over the course of the last century, these Edomite [central banking] families of the U.S and Europe have been sponsoring academic studies in the science of human behaviorism.

They have built whole universities which are totally devoted to nothing but the study of human behaviorism. That way they can learn how best to create and exploit a society which they alone can control, pursuant to their objectives.

Just like any rancher would, they just wanted to discover the very best ways to manage their herd, and how best to accomplish their goals.

Well, that's exactly what the oligarchs are doing right now, using the their favorite tool--people's natural fear of death, to herd them, like frightened and obedient cattle, into the slaughterhouse that is their New World Order, which has always been their stated objective. You know: the worldwide, neo-feudalistic slave state that's now rising up around around humanity like the walls of a global gas chamber.

Billions of people are going to die, folks, not from COVID-19, but from starvation and poverty caused by the intentional destruction of the world's economy and the genetic mutagen that's been cleverly disguised as a vaccine. That is, unless We The People stop this madness, and bring the perpetrators who are responsible for committing what can rightly be called this Greatest Crime Ever Committed Against Humanity to justice.

It's time to for everybody to throw the stupid masks (symbols of your capitulation) in the trash, and start saying "NO!" for a change. Your choice is a simple one: resist or die. Humanity has no other choice. We must break free from the jaws of these monsters while we still can.