Freedom is defined as the absence of control over your life by way of force or coercion; the absence of constraint over your thoughts, choices, and actions. If you're truly "free," then you enjoy liberty, which is the unobstructed expression of your freedom; you, acting according to your own free will, within the boundaries drawn around you by the equal rights of others. Note that I didn't say "within the limits of the law," because laws are often unjust, and especially so when they are used by tyrants to violate the rights of an individual.

Does anyone here believe that you are free, or that you enjoy liberty?

Slavery, on the other hand, is defined as any system of control or exploitation which is aimed at forcing or coercing human beings to become unwillingly or unwittingly subservient to, or excessively dependent upon a dominating influence. I believe that billions of human beings live as slaves on this planet, who falsely believe that they're free.

Black, white, red, brown, and yellow; it doesn't matter. When you boil it all down, we're all slaves living on the same plantation, which is owned and operated by and for the benefit of the hereditary elite class of families who can trace their unbroken bloodlines back through antiquity, all the way to the ruling houses of the Mesopotamia, Egypt, Canaan, Persia, Anatolia, and Scythia that dominated the world thousands of years ago, and still do to this day.

They keep us fighting among ourselves about stupid things like the color of our skin, while they create false dialectics aimed at keeping us in a constant state of fear and confusion, so they can control us and herd us into evermore oppressive systems of control that they already had devised beforehand as solutions to the problems that they create. That way We The People of America and the world never unite, overcome the fear, and fight back, like we should.

#Freedom #Liberty #Slavery #Definitions #Philosophy #Elite #SocialEngineering #Glossary