Is this country facing the end of times? Are the people in this country oblivious to any reality or truth, or are they simply consumed by ignorance, passivity, cowardice, and mediocrity? Will this onslaught of tyranny by the ruling class and the politicians continue unabated, or will enough wake up in time to stand against the total decimation of their lives, their property, their freedom, and their land?

What could possibly motivate the masses to voluntarily accept their own servitude, a servitude that can only lead to their imminent demise? Even the most simplistic life forms on this planet possess the basic instinct of self defense, so why is it that the supposed most intelligent of all living beings can be controlled and brutalized to the point of extinction, without lifting a finger to protect their own interests?

Today in America, the people are drowning in a pool of their own blood, while their chosen masters are feasting on the remains.

There is very little time left to change this course we are on today, as the elite's plot toward the Great Reset of the world is close at hand. In the past. when liberty has been threatened, some fought back and won, but most sat back and waited, hoping others would come to their rescue, and save them from themselves.

Every time threats have come and gone, there was less freedom and much more control. Each and every tyrannical event brought an assault against liberty that remained long after any so-called "return to normal" was expected. "Normal" has been forever changing, meaning every "New Normal" resulted in less freedom and more authoritarian measures.

That is until today, as now we face an end to any freedom, and a life of submission and enslavement. Unless and until the current ruling oligarchy is eliminated or weakened to the point of impotence, and by whatever means necessary, the tyranny will run its course until it has total control.

The hour is late, folks. We must get off our knees, throw the stupid masks in the trash, and start saying "NO!" for a change.

#Freedom #Activism #Tyranny #Resistance #GreatReset #Genocide