When it comes to the idea of the government forcing me to take a vaccination, and especially one where the so-called vaccine is actually an experimental mRNA [genetic] mutagen (not a vaccine at all) that reprograms (encodes) your body's cells, and where the vaccine failed miserably in its animal trials (killed all of the ferrets by Antibody-dependent enhancement), and then was rushed to market at "warp speed," skipping the animal trials altogether, and where the Big Pharma manufactures, unlike manufacturers for any other product, are exempted (indemnified) by law from any liability for any damages that it may cause to the people who it's given to, I not only reject that idea based upon pure logic, I reject that idea based upon principle as well.

Essentially, it all boils down to this with me: either we own our bodies, or the government owns them. There can be no in-between on this. If the government doesn't own our bodies, then it has absolutely no authority to tell us what we shall or shall not put into them. After all, the right of control is a right of ownership. Is it not?

Are we simply chattel slaves whose bodies are owned and controlled by politicians and bureaucrats who call themselves a government? If that's the case, then we have a much bigger issue to deal with as a society than the issue of forced vaccinations. Don't we?