Free societies prefer private governance to public governance. Historically, we have applied this logic against Socialism, Fascism, war, macroeconomic planning, public goods, monetary policy, countercyclical fiscal policy, environmental regulation, and a hundred other issues. We’ve always made a solid case for pure freedom, and how that system always works better for society than does the heavy hand of an authoritarian government.

And yet here we are now living in times when the government is controlling our movements, shuttering our businesses, defining who and what is, or is not, "essential," dangerously disrupting commercial supply chains, forcibly closing our schools and churches, and restricting our travel. A shelter-in-place order is something of a nightmare for those of us who believe in Freedom. We see that as the worst-possible use of coercive power against Individual Rights, and we also see that the results have been catastrophic to our society.

We have a very thin record of writings that make the case that freedom, market forces, and private governance are better than government quarantines and closures in dealing with pandemics. All we have is the Draconian edicts set out by the Neo-cons in the Bush administration, most of whom were not even doctors, that were developed in the wake of 9/11. So where do we turn for better arguments and a better case?

Let me introduce you to Dr. Donald A. Henderson (1928-2016). He was the twentieth-century’s most acclaimed disease eradicator. In particular, he is credited with ridding the world of smallpox. He was a world renowned epidemiologist who trained at the Epidemic Intelligence Service of the Communicable Disease Center, and who headed the World Health Organization’s division that was focused on smallpox.

Here is what he wrote in his 2006 white paper, which is entitled " Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza."

"Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted. Strong political and public health leadership to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided are critical elements. If either is seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.

"There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groups of possibly infected people for extended periods in order to slow the spread of any respiratory virus. A World Health Organization (WHO) Writing Group, after reviewing the literature and considering contemporary international experience, concluded that “forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical.” Despite this recommendation by experts, mandatory large-scale quarantine continues to be considered as an option by some authorities and government officials.

"The interest in quarantine reflects the views and conditions prevalent more than 50 years ago, when much less was known about the epidemiology of infectious diseases and when there was far less international and domestic travel in a less densely populated world. It is difficult to identify circumstances in the past half-century when large-scale quarantine has been effectively used in the control of any disease. The negative consequences of large-scale quarantine are so extreme (forced confinement of sick people with the well; complete restriction of movement of large populations; difficulty in getting critical supplies, medicines, and food to people inside the quarantine zone) that this mitigation measure should be eliminated from serious consideration."

Contrast all that this renowned epidemiologist said with the horror show that is the government's handling of this PLANdemic under the guidance of the Globalist traitors, like the Jesuit Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins who are currently ruining Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in America today.


Nope. What we are witnessing now is a giant, worldwide PSYOP and Globalist takeover operation, the scope and nature of which is unparalleled in human history. And those who are responsible for this GREATEST CRIME EVER COMMITTED AGAINST HUMANITY must be punished for what they have done.

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