Over 1 million "mostly peaceful" protesters (patriots) rallied in D.C. on January 6, 2021 to defend Liberty, and push back against the GIANT and NAKED fraud that was last year's Presidential election.

After Trump delivered a speech to people gathered at The Mall between the Washington monument and the White House, a Capitol Hill security guard shot an unarmed woman, a Mother and a 14-year Air Force Veteran named Ashley Babbitt, who was wearing a Trump flag in the Capitol building, murdering her in cold blood. It's also being reported that another young woman was shot in the face by Capitol Police as well.

Another Patriot died of a heart attack after been hit with multiple cans of tear gas "flash bangs" which were being hurled at him by D.C. police, and yet another was pushed over the side of the Capitol building, falling to his death.

It's also worth noting that none of these cops ever "took a knee" in support of the lawful protesters like they did when George Soros' criminal BLM/Antifa "kill, burn and loot" riots went on in D.C. and elsewhere throughout the country, all Summer long.

Yep, folks. Unlike the BLM/Antifa protests that went on unabated throughout 2020, causing hundreds of deaths and billions of Dollars in property damage the Communist usurpers of our nation are now deploying a literal army of police and National Guard military forces in order to crush the American patriots, who simply dared to show up in Washington D.C. ("the District of Communists") in order to exercise their Constitutionally-protected Right to complain, on property which they own, about the stolen election and the Chi-Com takeover of our nation.

To add insult to injury, and looking very much like a coup d'état, VP Mike Pence unlawfully certified the fraudulent election earlier in the day, and then unilaterally deployed National Guard troops to engage the protesters on Capitol Hill, without any authorization from the Commander In-Chief to do so.

#MAGAMarch #StopTheSteal #ElectionFraud #VoterFraud #Election2020 #Protests #Senate #Congress #Tyranny #Murder #Execution #Patriots